Sleep and Health 8 Reasons not to Skip Sleep

Sleep is often overlooked in favor of squeezing in an extra workout or night out dancing so a quick reminder on some of the reasons why you shouldn’t take sleep for granted
  1. Weight Management. Proper sleep improves hormone-related hunger response. The better we sleep, the lower the body’s levels of the hormone ghrelin, which promotes appetite. Better sleep also increases the hormone, leptin which is the satiety hormone. This increase helps us feel full sooner so we eat less.
  2. Exercise Performance. Energy levels increase with better sleep so performance and enjoyment increases
  3. Heart Health. Better sleep reduces the risk of heart attack, high blood pressure, and stroke by improving cardiovascular function.
  4. Inflammation Control. Sleep reduces the risk of inflammation in joints, muscles and connective tissues.
  5. Hormonal Output. Better sleep increases anabolic muscle-building hormones such as prolactin, testosterone, and growth hormones while decreasing catabolic muscle-wasting hormones such as cortisol, C-reactive protein and interleukin-6
  6. Brain Improvements. Sleep improves cognitive function, decision making and reaction times.
  7. Immune Response. Better sleep helps the body fight off colds, infections, and other common illnesses. It also helps the body respond better to serious health problems such as cancer and AIDS
  8. Emotional Well-being. Better sleep reduces the risk of mental illness, depression, and bipolar disorders

Taken from American Fitness Fall 2018

Top 3 Skin Aging Foods to Avoid

You are what you eat. And your skin suffers along with your waistline when you give it these top three villains of the anti aging cause.

1. SUGAR – first on our list is sugar. That seemingly innocent and delightful sweetener we all love is actually damaging your collagen. Whaaat?! You say. How? You say. We all know how important collagen is to keeping our skin firm, lifted and tight. Well when you eat sugar, it binds to the collagen proteins in your skin. This binding creates molecules called advanced glycation endproducts, or, AGEs. These AGEs damage collagen.

2. PROCESSED MEATS – Bacon, cured meats, and pepperoni are loaded with sodium. And sodium leads to water retention which show up as under eye bags and carrying excess weight.

3. ALCOHOL – All alcohol is super dehydrating which means your skin will look less plump and fresh. It also generates free radicals which contributes to the aging of skin.

There you have it! My top three enemies of collagen and beautiful, youthful skin!!! Avoiding these foods will make your skin look great, your waistline trim and your heart healthier.

My 3 Favorite Foods to Get More Collagen in Your Diet

South Florida Fitness Model

As we grow older, our natural collagen production slows down. Collagen is what keeps our skin firm and supple and when this production starts slowing down in our mid 20’s we start to see the visible Effects, fine lines and wrinkles. Instead of Botox, injections or other expensive invasive procedures, look no further than your refrigerator!

Top 3 Collagen Producing Foods

1. Bone Broth! This is a must. Bone broth actually contains a bio available form of collagen your body can use immediately. Know your broth. Beef bone broth is best for your skin, while chicken bone broth is best for your joints

2. Chlorella! Chlorella, a single-celled algae, is nature’s version of retinol only in pill form. Chlorella contains RNA and DNA which give our cells instructions such as cellular repair and regeneration

3. Eggs! Chicken eggs contain collagen in the yolk and eggshell membranes and are rich in sulfur which is required for collagen production. And great for joint health

Remember whenever possible, Whole Foods are better sources for your body than supplements which are usually difficult to absorb.