Sore Muscle Shower Hack

After a long weekend of shows, rehearsals and technique classes, my muscles need some TLC. So my new favorite go to is a Sore Muscle Salt Scrub. Made super easy with just two products! One cup of Epsom Salts, I like Dr Teal’s Pure Epsom Salt Soaking Solution. And 1/2 cup of Carrier Oil, I like Majestic Pure Sore Muscle Massage oil. Mix them together and apply in the shower as you would any salt or sugar scrub. Epsom Salts have been used for centuries for a variety of aches and pains. How does it work? Well the theory is that when dissolved in water, the Epsom Salts break down into magnesium and sulfate and are absorbed through the skin easing inflammation and soreness. The massage oil not only softens your skin, but helps you to relax with Lavender and Chamomile oils. Arnica extract aids in muscle inflammation and soreness. There is also the added benefits of no chemicals, perfumes, and dyes to harm your skin like in those fancy bath salts and scrubs!

Sore Muscles Salt Scrub is a great addition to your live younger, do what you love longer, anti-aging routine! xoxo